
Jordan Symbol

jordan symbol

Jordan Symbol

The Jordan symbol, also known as the Hashemite star, is a seven-pointed star that is the national symbol of Jordan. It was adopted in 1921 when Jordan became a British mandate, and it has been used on the Jordanian flag ever since.

The seven points of the star represent the seven pillars of wisdom, which are the seven virtues that were said to be possessed by the Prophet Muhammad. These virtues are generosity, courage, justice, moderation, truthfulness, determination, and knowledge.

The Jordan symbol is a powerful symbol of national pride and identity. It is used on a variety of official documents, including the Jordanian passport, and it is also used by the Jordanian military. The symbol is a reminder of the country’s rich history and culture, and it is a source of inspiration for the Jordanian people.

Jordan Symbol

The Jordan symbol, also known as the Hashemite star, holds immense cultural and historical significance for the nation. Its distinct characteristics and symbolism encompass various dimensions, including:

  • Seven-pointed: Represents the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, virtues attributed to Prophet Muhammad.
  • Star shape: Embodies guidance, hope, and divine protection.
  • National emblem: Symbolizes Jordan’s sovereignty and identity.
  • Symbol of unity: Unifies Jordanians under a shared national symbol.
  • Historical legacy: Connects Jordan to its rich past and cultural heritage.
  • Symbol of pride: Inspires a sense of national pride and patriotism among Jordanians.
  • Used on official documents: Represents Jordan on passports, currency, and official seals.
  • Military emblem: Adorns Jordanian military uniforms and equipment.
  • Cultural and artistic motif: Found in traditional Jordanian art, crafts, and architecture.

These aspects intertwine to showcase the Jordan symbol as a multifaceted representation of the nation’s history, values, and aspirations. It serves as a beacon of national unity, a reminder of Jordan’s cultural heritage, and a symbol of pride and identity for its citizens.


Seven-pointed, Jordan

The seven-pointed star of the Jordan symbol holds deep significance as it represents the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, virtues attributed to Prophet Muhammad: generosity, courage, justice, moderation, truthfulness, determination, and knowledge. These virtues are considered fundamental to the Islamic faith and are highly valued in Jordanian society.

The connection between the seven-pointed star and the Jordan symbol goes beyond mere symbolism. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom are seen as the guiding principles that have shaped Jordan’s history, culture, and national identity. They serve as a moral compass for Jordanians, influencing their decision-making and shaping their interactions with one another and the world.

In practical terms, the presence of the Seven Pillars of Wisdom in the Jordan symbol serves as a constant reminder of the values that Jordanians strive to uphold. It encourages them to embody these virtues in their daily lives and to work towards a society that is just, compassionate, and prosperous.

Star shape

Star Shape, Jordan

The star shape of the Jordan symbol is not merely a decorative element; it carries profound symbolic meanings that resonate deeply with the Jordanian people.

In many cultures, stars have long been associated with guidance, hope, and divine protection. The seven-pointed star of the Jordan symbol is no exception. It is seen as a guiding light, leading Jordanians through times of uncertainty and adversity. It is also a symbol of hope, inspiring Jordanians to strive for a better future.

Moreover, the star shape is often associated with divine protection. Jordanians believe that the seven-pointed star is a reminder that they are always under the watchful eye of God. This belief provides them with a sense of comfort and security.

The star shape of the Jordan symbol is a powerful reminder of the values that Jordanians hold dear. It is a symbol of their faith, their hope, and their trust in divine protection.

National emblem

National Emblem, Jordan

The Jordan symbol, also known as the Hashemite star, is a seven-pointed star that holds immense cultural and historical significance for the nation. It serves as a national emblem, symbolizing Jordan’s sovereignty and identity on the global stage.

  • Official Representation:

    The Jordan symbol is prominently displayed on the Jordanian flag, representing the nation in official settings. It is a symbol of Jordan’s sovereignty and independence, recognized by other nations and international organizations.

  • National Unity:

    The Jordan symbol fosters a sense of unity and belonging among Jordanians. It transcends regional, cultural, and tribal affiliations, serving as a common symbol that represents all Jordanian citizens.

  • Historical Legacy:

    The Jordan symbol carries the weight of Jordan’s history and traditions. It connects the nation to its past and present, honoring the legacy of its ancestors and inspiring future generations.

  • Cultural Expression:

    The Jordan symbol is more than just an official emblem; it has become ingrained in Jordanian culture. It is incorporated into traditional crafts, art, and architecture, reflecting the pride and identity of the Jordanian people.

In conclusion, the Jordan symbol’s role as a national emblem is multifaceted, encompassing official representation, national unity, historical legacy, and cultural expression. It is a potent symbol that embodies Jordan’s sovereignty, identity, and the collective spirit of its people.

Symbol of unity

Symbol Of Unity, Jordan

The Jordan symbol, also known as the Hashemite star, is more than just a national emblem; it is a powerful symbol of unity that binds Jordanians together. It transcends regional, cultural, and tribal affiliations, serving as a common symbol that represents all Jordanian citizens.

In a country with a diverse population, the Jordan symbol plays a vital role in fostering a sense of national identity and belonging. It is a reminder that despite their differences, all Jordanians are part of a shared community with a common history, culture, and future. This sense of unity is essential for maintaining social cohesion and stability in Jordan.

The Jordan symbol is used in a variety of official and unofficial contexts to promote unity and patriotism. It is displayed on the Jordanian flag, government buildings, and official documents. It is also used by schools, universities, and other organizations to instill a sense of national pride in young Jordanians. The symbol is also widely used in everyday life, appearing on everything from clothing and accessories to home décor and souvenirs.

The Jordan symbol is a powerful reminder of the importance of unity in a diverse society. It is a symbol that all Jordanians can be proud of, and it plays a vital role in maintaining social cohesion and stability in the country.

Historical legacy

Historical Legacy, Jordan

The Jordan symbol is not just a modern-day creation; it carries the weight of Jordan’s rich history and cultural heritage. The seven-pointed star has been used as a symbol of Jordan for centuries, and it can be found in ancient mosaics, coins, and other artifacts. This connection to the past gives the Jordan symbol a sense of legitimacy and authenticity.

In addition, the Jordan symbol is used in a variety of ways to celebrate and promote Jordanian culture. It is featured on traditional clothing, jewelry, and handicrafts. It is also used in the design of public buildings and monuments. By incorporating the Jordan symbol into these cultural expressions, Jordanians are able to connect with their past and share their heritage with the world.

Understanding the historical legacy of the Jordan symbol is important for several reasons. First, it helps us to appreciate the depth and richness of Jordanian culture. Second, it gives us a greater understanding of the Jordanian people and their sense of national identity. Finally, it reminds us that the Jordan symbol is more than just a national emblem; it is a symbol of a proud and ancient civilization.

Symbol of pride

Symbol Of Pride, Jordan

The Jordan symbol is a powerful symbol of national pride and patriotism among Jordanians. It is a reminder of the country’s rich history, culture, and traditions. When Jordanians see the Jordan symbol, they are reminded of all the things that make their country unique and special. This sense of pride is important for maintaining social cohesion and stability in Jordan.

The Jordan symbol is used in a variety of ways to promote national pride and patriotism. It is displayed on the Jordanian flag, government buildings, and official documents. It is also used by schools, universities, and other organizations to instill a sense of national pride in young Jordanians. The symbol is also widely used in everyday life, appearing on everything from clothing and accessories to home décor and souvenirs.

The Jordan symbol is more than just a national emblem; it is a symbol of the Jordanian people’s pride and patriotism. It is a reminder of the country’s rich history, culture, and traditions. The Jordan symbol is a powerful force for unity and cohesion in Jordan.

Used on official documents

Used On Official Documents, Jordan

The Jordan symbol is not only a national emblem; it is also a symbol of Jordan’s sovereignty and identity on the global stage. Its presence on official documents such as passports, currency, and official seals serves as a powerful statement of Jordan’s independence and legitimacy.

  • Official Representation:

    When Jordanians travel abroad, they carry the Jordan symbol on their passports, a tangible reminder of their national identity. Similarly, Jordanian currency features the Jordan symbol, signifying the country’s economic sovereignty and stability.

  • Legal Authority:

    Official seals bearing the Jordan symbol are used to authenticate government documents and transactions. This use of the symbol underscores the legal authority of the Jordanian state and its institutions.

  • International Recognition:

    The Jordan symbol’s presence on official documents helps to raise Jordan’s profile on the international stage. It is a visual cue that Jordan is a respected and recognized member of the global community.

  • National Pride:

    For Jordanians, seeing the Jordan symbol on official documents is a source of pride and patriotism. It is a reminder of their country’s rich history, culture, and traditions.

In conclusion, the use of the Jordan symbol on official documents is not merely a matter of decoration; it is a powerful statement of Jordan’s sovereignty, identity, and international standing. It is a symbol that Jordanians can be proud of, and it plays a vital role in maintaining the country’s stability and prosperity.

Military emblem

Military Emblem, Jordan

The Jordan symbol, also known as the Hashemite star, is a powerful symbol of national pride and identity for Jordanians. It is not only a national emblem but also a military emblem, adorning Jordanian military uniforms and equipment.

  • Symbol of Strength and Courage:

    In the military context, the Jordan symbol represents strength, courage, and determination. Jordanian soldiers wear the symbol on their uniforms with pride, knowing that it represents their commitment to defending their country and protecting its people.

  • Unifying Symbol:

    The Jordan symbol transcends individual branches and ranks within the Jordanian military. It is a unifying symbol that brings together soldiers from all backgrounds, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.

  • Reminder of Duty and Sacrifice:

    Every time Jordanian soldiers look at the Jordan symbol on their uniforms, it serves as a reminder of their duty to their country and the sacrifices that have been made to protect it. This reminder inspires them to perform their duties with honor and dedication.

The presence of the Jordan symbol on military uniforms and equipment is not merely decorative; it is a powerful statement of the Jordanian military’s commitment to the nation and its people. It is a symbol that inspires pride, unity, and a sense of duty among Jordanian soldiers.

Cultural and artistic motif

Cultural And Artistic Motif, Jordan

The Jordan symbol is deeply intertwined with Jordanian culture and artistic expression. It is a recurring motif found in traditional Jordanian art, crafts, and architecture, serving as a testament to its cultural significance.

The incorporation of the Jordan symbol into Jordanian art forms is not merely decorative; it carries symbolic and cultural meanings. In traditional Jordanian embroidery, for example, the Jordan symbol represents strength, protection, and unity. Artisans carefully stitch the seven-pointed star into intricate patterns, adorning clothing, cushion covers, and other textiles.

Jordanian crafts also feature the Jordan symbol prominently. Jewelers craft delicate pendants, earrings, and rings adorned with the seven-pointed star. Potters incorporate the symbol into the designs of ceramic plates, bowls, and vases, creating beautiful and functional works of art.

The Jordan symbol’s presence in Jordanian architecture is equally significant. It can be found in the design of mosques, churches, and other religious buildings, symbolizing the country’s religious diversity and tolerance. The symbol also adorns government buildings, public spaces, and private homes, reflecting its status as a national emblem.

Understanding the connection between the Jordan symbol and cultural and artistic motifs provides valuable insights into Jordanian culture and identity. It showcases the deep appreciation Jordanians have for their heritage and traditions. Moreover, it highlights the symbol’s versatility, as it can be adapted to various art forms while retaining its core meaning and significance.

In conclusion, the Jordan symbol is not just a national emblem; it is a cultural and artistic motif that permeates Jordanian society. Its presence in traditional art, crafts, and architecture reflects the deep connection between the Jordanian people and their national identity.

Frequently Asked Questions about Jordan Symbol

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Jordan symbol, answered in a balanced and engaging manner.

Question 1: What is the meaning of the Jordan symbol?

The Jordan symbol, also known as the Hashemite star, is a seven-pointed star that represents the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, virtues attributed to Prophet Muhammad: generosity, courage, justice, moderation, truthfulness, determination, and knowledge.

Question 2: What is the significance of the seven points in the Jordan symbol?

The seven points of the Jordan symbol represent the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, which are the seven virtues mentioned above. These virtues are considered fundamental to the Islamic faith and are highly valued in Jordanian society.

Question 3: How is the Jordan symbol used in Jordan?

The Jordan symbol is used in a variety of ways in Jordan. It is the national emblem and is featured on the Jordanian flag, official documents, and currency. It is also used by the Jordanian military and is found in traditional Jordanian art, crafts, and architecture.

Question 4: What is the historical origin of the Jordan symbol?

The Jordan symbol has been used as a symbol of Jordan for centuries. It can be traced back to the Umayyad dynasty, which ruled Jordan from the 7th to the 8th centuries. The symbol was later adopted by the Hashemite dynasty, which has ruled Jordan since 1921.

Question 5: What are some interesting facts about the Jordan symbol?

The Jordan symbol is one of the few national emblems in the world that is not a flag. It is also one of the few national emblems that is a star. The Jordan symbol has been used on postage stamps, coins, and banknotes.

Question 6: How can I learn more about the Jordan symbol?

There are many ways to learn more about the Jordan symbol. You can visit the website of the Jordanian Embassy in your country or the website of the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism. You can also find books and articles about the Jordan symbol online or in your local library.

These are just a few of the most frequently asked questions about the Jordan symbol. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the Jordanian Embassy in your country or the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism.

We hope this information has been helpful. Thank you for your interest in Jordan and its national symbol.

Transition to the next article section…

Tips for Using the Jordan Symbol

The Jordan symbol is a powerful and versatile symbol that can be used in a variety of ways to represent Jordan and its people. Here are a few tips for using the Jordan symbol effectively:

Use the Jordan symbol to show your national pride. The Jordan symbol is a symbol of Jordan’s sovereignty and identity. Displaying the Jordan symbol on your clothing, accessories, or in your home is a great way to show your pride in your country.

Use the Jordan symbol to promote Jordanian culture. The Jordan symbol is a recognizable symbol of Jordan around the world. Using the Jordan symbol in your marketing or promotional materials is a great way to promote Jordanian culture and tourism.

Use the Jordan symbol to create a sense of unity. The Jordan symbol is a unifying symbol that represents all Jordanians. Using the Jordan symbol in your community events or initiatives is a great way to create a sense of unity and belonging.

Use the Jordan symbol respectfully. The Jordan symbol is a national emblem and should be treated with respect. Do not use the Jordan symbol in a way that is disrespectful or offensive.

Get permission to use the Jordan symbol. If you are planning to use the Jordan symbol in a commercial or public setting, it is important to get permission from the Jordanian government. This will ensure that you are using the symbol in a way that is consistent with Jordanian law.

By following these tips, you can use the Jordan symbol to show your national pride, promote Jordanian culture, create a sense of unity, and respectfully represent Jordan.

We hope this information has been helpful. Thank you for your interest in Jordan and its national symbol.


The Jordan symbol, also known as the Hashemite star, is a powerful symbol of national pride and identity for Jordanians. It represents the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, virtues attributed to Prophet Muhammad, and is a reminder of Jordan’s rich history and cultural heritage. The symbol is used in a variety of official and unofficial contexts, including on the Jordanian flag, government buildings, official documents, military uniforms, traditional art, crafts, and architecture.

The Jordan symbol is more than just a national emblem; it is a symbol of unity, strength, and pride. It represents the Jordanian people’s commitment to their country and its values. The symbol is a reminder of the country’s rich history, culture, and traditions. It is also a symbol of hope for the future, as Jordan continues to develop and prosper.

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Images References, Jordan


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